Facials and Treatments

Facials should not be an occasional treat, but instead, an important way to maintain, care for, and
improve the appearance of your beautiful face. 

Please reserve cancellations to 48 hours prior to the appointment. We book up weeks in advance, so when you cancel at the last minute, we can not fill that time, so  cannot earn income in that time slot. Please be mindful of this when canceling at the last minute. Repeated last-minute cancelations or no-shows will not be able to make further appointments.

Face having a facial

The Ultimate Facial: Let us pamper and replenish your skin with every therapy to bring about intensely improved skin. We start with a Microdermabrasion treatment or a fruit acid enzyme to deeply exfoliate dry and dull skin, next we follow with a deep face, neck, and shoulder massage. In addition, we allow a light layer of warm steam to hydrate and open pores, Extractions are done, then three intensive anti-aging therapies are implemented which are suited to the exact way your skin ages. These therapies are inducted into the skin by iontophoresis, a method of deeper penetration of skincare into the skin. We then use therapeutic "Red Light Therapy" which has been shown to make skin look healthier and stimulate the mitochondria of the cell. We finish with a High-Frequency Treatment to oxygenate cells. Heated hand and foot treatment included
$145. Seventy Minutes

Pretty face

European Facial ~ This facial includes examination to determine the ways to best improve the skin, pore cleansing,  a deep face, neck, and shoulder massage, mild steam, mild extractions, specific treatments of vitamins, or calming treatments and a calming masque. $100.00   Sixty Minutes

Pretty Face

Hydrating and Elasticty Building Facial ~ This facial is a facial for skin that has lost moisture, feels dry and flaky, and has thin collagen. It includes a face, neck, and shoulder massage with therapeutic oils and a Hyaluronic Acid treatment, induced by the use of galvanic current for deeper penetration.  Effective exfoliation and retentive moisturizing measures are employed. Yes, relaxation and pampering is a part of this wonderful facial, but the focus is on a sharp increase in hydration through therapeutic vitamins, enzymes, and a peptide known for its ability to help skin look far more hydrated and firm. Heated hand and foot treatment. $100.00  Sixty-Five Minutes

Middle aged woman wearing a hat

Anti-Aging Facial: Who doesn't want to look younger? No two faces age in the same way. This highly-individualized facial takes into account genetics, lifestyle, health, and more for each unique individual. Some people lose elasticity, some lose underlying facial fat, and others crease. Most have a combination of all three and treatments are different for each. We may use peptides, antioxidants, fruit acids, enzymes, Hyaluronic Acid, therapeutic oils, or any combination, so we can target your specific needs, creating more beautiful, healthy-looking skin that is exactly yours. In addition to the facial, this includes three additional anti-aging therapies of specific vitamins or peptides which are induced by Galvanic current for maximum penetration and benefit. We finish with a hydrating and calming masque, treatments, and moisture.
$115 Seventy Minutes

Young millennial woman

Thirty Plus Prevention Facial: It is far easier to care for the skin earlier to prevent poor-looking skin as we age than to correct aged-looking, dehydrated, and dull skin. This facial is geared toward 30+-year-old clients who want their skin to look beautiful for many years. Specific peptides, deeper exfoliation, and therapies encourage the skin to keep looking as good as it can for a long time, with the prevention of the breakdown of collagen. Beauty should be held onto, instead of chasing it.
$90  Sixty Minutes

Middle aged smiling couple

Not Your Average Acne Facial ~ Acne is not just a skin surface problem. We can identify your triggers and work to make your skin smoother and healthier-looking. Not all acne is created equally or caused by the same reasons for each individual. Some people with acne have dry, sensitive skin. To treat it with standard acne products which are meant for oily skin would be incorrect and ineffective. Together, we can find out what your unique triggers are and how to calm skin, soften, and smooth, it without drying. Teens often have a few factors that cause breakouts that can easily be remedied by a systemic approach. Why suffer when the solution can be thinking outside the box and taking into account your unique skin and what is bothering it? This facial includes consultation, massage, steam, enzyme treatment, extractions, and a calming mask.
$105.00  Sixty-Five Minutes

Young Teen Acne Facial ~ For 10-14 year olds Acne is not just a skin surface problem. We can identify your triggers and work to make your skin smoother and healthier-looking. Not all acne is created equally or caused by the same reasons for each individual. Some people with acne have dry, sensitive skin. To treat it with standard acne products which are meant for oily skin would be incorrect and ineffective. Together, we can find out what your unique triggers are and how to calm skin, soften, and smooth, it without drying. Teens often have a few factors that cause breakouts that can easily be remedied by a systemic approach. Why suffer when the solution can be thinking outside the box and taking into account your unique skin and what is bothering it? This facial includes consultation, steam, enzyme treatment, extractions, and a calming mask. $75

Face having a skincare treatment

Dermaplane Facial ~ This wonderful facial includes all of the extras including Dermaplaning. Dermaplaning removes a dead layer of skin and all of the tiny, fuzzy hairs on the face, and is a technique done by licensed estheticians. This facial also includes various peptide treatments geared toward the individuals unique skin. Also included is a wonderful face, neck, and shoulder massage and Red Light Therapy which stimulates the cell mitochondria to improve the skin's health. One hour twenty minutes

Smiling Smooth Face

Microdermabrasion Treatment ~ This wonderful treatment accomplishes so much. First, it's a wonderful way to rid the face of layers of dead cells, which cling tightly to the surface of the skin. When oils mix with these dead cells it forms a hard shell, preventing moisture from penetrating and trapping hardened oils. After a few treatments, the skin responds to the "scratchiness" by exposing hidden blockages, remedying them, making skin produce more collagen, and allowing the skin to look firmer, clearer and smoother after 8-10 treatments.

Fifteen Minutes $40 per. 

Attractive Smooth Face

Dermaplaning ~ Light fluffy facial hair is removed as well as layers of dead cellular debris. The face feels silky smooth and soft. Makeup application goes on very smoothly after. A perfect treatment before high-definition photographs or to look picture-perfect. $75

Face with a masque

Enzyme Treatment: A quick treatment to loosen dead cells giving skin a smooth and exfoliated appearance. This is great for dry dead cells or anyone with acne.
$40 Twenty Minutes

Woman getting a Facial Massage

 Glycolic Peel: For an intense exfoliation, the skin may or may not peel 2-4 days after. Smoother and softer skin remains.
$40 Twenty Minutes

Unhappy woman having makeup applied

Custom Matched Foundation: Never look orange or off-tone again! Book a custom Blended Foundation appointment to have your foundation mixed to exactly mix your unique skin tone. Creamy Mousse-like texture, filled with antioxidant oils in an aloe base. Doesn't sit in fine lines. $40

Diamond Smoothing Facial: In New England with our varied seasons, we accumulate many dead cells. When these flakes mix with oil, pores become clogged and can feel like dehydrated skin, yet when examined, millions of blocked pores are actually trying to push out their debris, resulting in a field of tiny bumps. Dull skin has a hard time absorbing moisture as it should resulting in weakened, dehydrated collagen. Diamond Head Microdermabrasion treatments smooth away dead cells, resulting in super smooth skin below. 75 minutes $125.00

Back Facial: Dry itchy skin annoying you? Are blackheads, pimples and ugly skin a problem? Try the ultimate in relaxation and beautification, a back facial. Skin is cleansed, deeply exfoliated, steam and back and upper arms massage. Extractions of pimples and blackheads, and a hydrating, smoothing enzyme finishing masque. 45 minutes $85

Intensive Anti-aging Treatments on the Go: Do you really want to improve the appearance of aging, yet don't have a lot of time? This is the plan for you. Higher concentrations of peptides geared toward specific types of aging are used by iontophoresis (a method of extra push, into the skin for better penetration.) These highly effective, natural peptides help skin restore the look of youth. 30 minutes $45 per treatment or a series of ten for $425

Disincrustation Treatment: Disincrustation is a process in which a solution is applied and a reversed galvanic current makes the solution liquify and soften plugged pores, allowing for much easier extractions of blackheads and pore congestion,  without aggressive extractions that lead to broken capillaries. 30 minutes $65